The Melanoma Letter
Published since 1982, The Melanoma Letter features the leading experts, trends, topics and techniques on melanoma for medical professionals to stay on top of their game.

A Sharper Eye: How Advanced Imaging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Are Transforming Melanoma Diagnosis
Our longtime editors, Allan C. Halpern, MD, and Ashfaq A. Marghoob, MD, share how they’ve helped push innovation forward, and how the pandemic helped.
2020, Vol 38, No. 1
The Microbiome and Melanoma
Two reports show how microorganisms in the gut and on the skin impact melanoma treatment and prevention. Plus: a chart on neoadjuvant therapy.
2019, Vol 37, No. 3
Progress in the Treatment of Advanced Melanoma
Two renowned pioneers in the field, James P. Allison, PhD, and Jeffrey Weber, MD, PhD, explain where we are now and why the future looks so promising.
2019, Vol 37, No. 2
Advances in Therapy for Cutaneous Melanoma
Experts discuss the latest developments in checkpoint blockade and targeted therapies as adjuvant and neoadjuvant treatments.
2019, Vol 37, No. 1
Pediatric Melanoma
Updates on the unique challenges of diagnosis and proper treatment of melanoma in children, including new therapies.
2018, Vol 36, No. 3
ASCO 2018: It’s Personal – Expanding the Reach of Precision Medicine
A dozen important developments in prevention, detection and treatment of melanoma from the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) annual meeting.
2018, Vol 36, No. 2
Key Changes in the AJCC Eighth Edition Melanoma Staging System
A synopsis of the complex changes, from measuring tumor thickness to expansion of N stage categories, and how they will improve treatment decisions.
2018, Vol 36, No. 1
About the Editors
Allan C. Halpern, MD
Chief, Dermatology Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York City
Ashfaq A. Marghoob, MD
Director of Clinical Dermatology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Skin Cancer Center, Hauppauge, New York
Julie Bain, Senior Director of Science & Education, The Skin Cancer Foundation
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Carcinomas & Keratoses
Check out C&K, our digital publication for medical professionals that sheds light on the most recent developments in keratinocyte carcinomas, also known as nonmelanoma skin cancers. Read the latest issue.